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Five Proven Ways To Draft 100% Plagiarism Free Essays

Five Proven Ways To Draft 100% Plagiarism Free Essays The Instrument of Social and Judicial Governance defines plagiarism as  “deliberate or reckless representation of another’s words, thoughts, or ideas as one’s own without attribution.” Without  Plagiarism free essay  is considered as a breach of academic ethics and may result in suspension or termination from school/college. Given the extreme consequences that plagiarism has on your academic career, we have tried to emphasize on the factors you must be aware of to avoid committing plagiarism. It becomes essential to be vigilant about citing all the sources with caution to avoid falling into the trap of plagiarism. There are four major types of plagiarism: § Direct Plagiarism Copying someone else’s words verbatim, without any quotation marks and proper acknowledgment is direct plagiarism. Related Post —  ASSIGNMENT HELP BY MY ASSIGNMENT HELP § Mosaic Plagiarism This is also called patchwriting where you borrow